Soft brows


Soft brows, created using the hairstroke machine method, are a form of cosmetic tattooing. This semi-permanent eyebrow technique uses a machine with as fine, precise needle to gently implant into the superficial dermis. The result is soft, hyper-realistic hair strokes that mimic the appearance of real brow hairs. This treatment is ideal for individuals experiencing hair loss, those who have over plucked their brows, or anyone looking to enhance and perfect the shape of their natural brows. Soft brows typically last 2-5 years before they start to fade and a colour boost is required. Longevity all depends on skin type, lifestyle, medications and sun exposure.


I would strongly only advise you to have micro-blading if you have normal to dry skin, tight pores and have zero to no hair. Clients with quite a lot of brow hair (even if it’s fine) would be more suited to the ombre brows (the everlasting bbe). Microblading will not suit clients with oily skin types. You must be 18 years of age or over. You must not be on medication for acne (Accutane). If you have previously taken Accutane, you must have stopped taking this medication for 12 months before a microblading session. Under no circumstances should you have this treatment if you are pregnant/breastfeeding, have type 1 or 2 diabetes/chemotherapy/radiation/cancer. If you have any allergies/disorders/disabilities, please let me know upon enquiry. If you have had your brows tattooed/micro-bladed before, they must have been done at least one year before your booking & they must have significantly faded.

The treatment can be slightly uncomfortable, but bearable. You may use your own numbing cream but I would advise against this as it can affect the colour retention and your healed results. Redheads, blondes and oily/fair skin types may experience more swelling and redness than darker skin types.

2-3 hours for the first session, and 1.5 hours for the retouch session. 

If you have had your brows tattooed or micro-bladed before, have had laser removal or have had a brow hair transplant, because of the scar tissue it can take 1-3 treatments (or more) to achieve your desired result. This is because the scar tissue that has formed in the brow area will need additional procedures and fees will apply. Unfortunately, there is only so much I can do and if you have had previous work or had a bad experience elsewhere – I can only do the best I can, and cannot guarantee you will get the same results as my clients who have a blank canvas to begin with.


Soft Brows: £749  (Price includes a retouch to be taken 1-3 months after your first session


Deposit: £200


Additional retouch: £75 (To be taken within the first 7 months of your initial appointment, and only if needed)

1yr Colour Boost: £199 (only if needed)

2-3yrs Colour Boost: £299

3-4yrs Colour Boost: £399

Deposit: £150-£200